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2020 IRKA BOD Election Nominations


The International Rhino Keeper Association is holding its annual election for the Board of Directors (BOD). The IRKA Election Committee is seeking dedicated individuals for nomination for three positions on the BOD in 2020.


The Election Committee is accepting nominations for the BOD from May 1-31, 2020. The election will take place in July and the results will be announced on August 7, 2020. The BOD positions will begin on September 1, 2020. The three nominees with the top votes will hold positions on the BOD for three years. This year the three positions to be voted on are currently filled by Amber Berndt, Joe Hauser, and Chris Tubbs.


Nominations can be made in accordance with the bylaws, Article VI Sec. 5:

- Any professional member in good standing may submit nominations for another professional member in good standing.

- Nominations received must be accompanied by the written endorsement of at least one professional member in good standing, who must not work at the same institution as that of the nominee.

- No more than two members of the Board may be from the same institution.

- Professional members must be willing to abide by the bylaws, meet the criteria in Article VIII, and support the code of ethics governing the organization. 


As an elected member to the IRKA Board of Directors, you will have the following responsibilities:

-Be willing to abide by the IRKA by-laws, meet criteria in Article VIII and support the code of ethics which govern the organization

-Be actively involved in all BOD discussions (electronic and annual meeting)

-Participate in biennial Rhino Keeper Workshop and assist hosting institution and/or its members, when needed, to ensure timely completion of tasks

-Be willing to share their knowledge and expertise with the membership through a variety of venues

-Attend annual BOD meeting at own or institution expense (free registration will be provided during RKW years)

-Be accountable to the BOD for any commitments made to IRKA

-Expected to volunteer as chairperson or participate in a number of committees

-Assist chairperson in developing a plan, securing BOD approval and ensuring the committee reaches its goals


The BOD is dedicated to ensuring the IRKA progresses toward its goals, and is accountable to the membership. As an organization, we need all BOD input to improve the future for all species of rhinoceros as well as directly addressing conservation, education and captive management issues.

When making nominations please include your name, institution and contact information along with that of your nominee(s). Nominees will be contacted to accept their nomination. They will also be asked to supply a brief bio prior to the elections to better inform voters about their qualifications.

Please send names and e-mail/contact information of willing nominees May 1-31, 2020 to Election Committee Chairperson, Sean Ramsdell at  You may also reply to this e-mail. 

IRKA was created to benefit rhinos and rhino keepers worldwide. Become a professional member before June 15, 2020 and you can have a voice in the 2020 BOD election process and the future of the IRKA!


Sean Ramsdell

IRKA Election Committee Chair

Senior 1 Animal Care Specialist - Rhinos, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

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