Learn about the different levels of membership and join today.
$35.00 annually
Voting members who actively participate and work in training, husbandry, research, and/or management of any rhino species. Also members in a management or other professional level who indirectly participate in the training, husbandry, research, and/or management of rhino. This includes paid employees who actively disseminate information about rhinos professionally. Professional members can hold elective office & chair and serve on committees.
$50.00 annually
Members interested in the conservation of rhinos, but are not otherwise professionally affiliated with any of the rhino species. Associates may not vote or hold elective office but may serve on select committees.
$30.00 annually or $300 lifetime
Retired keepers that continue to love rhinos and want to remain involved.
The following facilities are conservation partners that cover annual membership fees: Austin Savanna, Henry Vilas Park Zoo, Taronga Zoo, Taronga Western Plains Zoo, Lowry Park Zoo, African Lion Safari, The Wilds, Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Earth Promise/Fossil Rim, Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens, San Diego Zoo Global, White Oak, and Tulsa Zoo and Living Museum.
If you prefer to mail in your payment, please send a check made to "IRKA" to:
San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research
c/o Chris Tubbs
15600 San Pasqual Valley Road
Escondido, CA 92027
and Download paper application here.
Thank you for joining the IRKA!
How To Become A Conservation Partner
Conservation Partner Sponsorship
Platinum Level Sponsorship - $2,000+
Benefits include:
Formally recognized and logo display at the Rhino Keeper Workshop
Two waived registration fee to the Rhino Keeper Workshop
Membership dues for unlimited qualifying Professional members at your facility waived for that year
Quarterly updates from our newsletter, The Crash
A certificate of membership
Gold Level Sponsorship - $1,000 - 1,999
Formally recognized at RKW.
Prominently display logo at RKW, CRASH and website.
Unlimited professional memberships waived.
One waived registration fee for RKW.
Silver Level Sponsorship - $500-999
Benefits include:
Waived membership dues for up to 10 Professional Members
One waived registration fee for the RKW (can be rolled over from non-conference years, registration for BOD members is already waived)
Formal recognition and logo display at the RKW and recognition of partnership on IRKA social media platforms
Bronze Level Sponsorship - $100-500
Benefits include:
Quarterly updates from our newsletter, The Crash
A certificate of membership
Valued Partnerships
The International Rhino Foundation is dedicated to the survival of the world’s rhino species through conservation and research. At the heart of IRF’s vision is the belief that these magnificent species should endure for future generations, and that protecting rhinos ensures that many other species that share their habitat also survive, including people.
At Denver Zoo, conservation is a part of everything we do! We work with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) to support animals through voluntary programs like the Species Survival Plan, a breeding program that facilitates the survival of many species by keeping zoo populations healthy and abundant. Additionally, Denver Zoo participates in conservation and research projects at the Zoo.
San Diego Zoo Global is a conservation organization committed to saving species around the world.
Our commitment to environmental stewardship focuses on using resources wisely and protecting the planet as we operate and grow our business. Scarcity of natural resources and threats to ecosystems and biodiversity are serious environmental issues. These challenges demand fundamental changes in the way society, including the private sector, uses natural resources. We strive to meet our long-term goal of attaining a “zero” state of net greenhouse gas emissions and waste, while conserving water resources when and wherever we can
The mission of Nashville Zoo is to inspire a culture of understanding and discovery of our natural world through conservation, innovation and leadership.
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