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"Who knew? Identifying the nasoconchal paranasal sinus of the white rhino".

Mi., 11. Dez.



Join Dr. Mat Gerard as he discusses the road he took to understand the paranasal sinus and nasal cavity anatomy of the rhinoceros, of which many were and still are, sustaining traumatic wounds to this region when poached for their horns.

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"Who knew? Identifying the nasoconchal paranasal sinus of the white rhino".
"Who knew? Identifying the nasoconchal paranasal sinus of the white rhino".

Time & Location

11. Dez. 2024, 19:00 – 23:00 GMT-6



About the Event

You asked and you shall receive. Join us for a replay of Dr. Mat Gerard as he discusses the road he took to understand the paranasal sinus and nasal cavity anatomy of the rhinoceros, of which many were and still are, sustaining traumatic wounds to this region when poached for their horns.

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